We often hear that “Health is wealth” without really reflecting on what this means. While money comes and goes, health is something that’s valuable and a lifelong investment. This article will show you how you can improve your health before it’s too late, inshaAllah.
Like me, you’ve probably heard this statement countless of times in your life: “Health is wealth!”.
But, I beg to differ.
- From the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), we know that health is the best thing you can have after imaan!
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once mounted the pulpit, then wept and said, “Ask Allah for forgiveness and health, for after being granted certainty, one is given nothing better than health.” (Related in Tirmidhi) - Health isn’t wealth because it’s much more valuable than anything else you’ll ever possess
- Wealth can be earned once it’s lost, but you can hardly regain your health once you start to neglect it for long (e.g. cancer, diabetes and heart-related issues, etc.)
So, are you taking care of your health as you should? Is your health helping you to live a productive life? Is your health helping you to leave a legacy when you leave this world?
Most importantly your health could be a pillar in answering these questions on the Day of Judgment:
It was narrated from Ibn Mas’ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “The son of Adam will not be dismissed from before his Lord on the Day of Resurrection until he has been questioned about five things:
- his life and how he spent it,
- his youth and how he used it,
- his wealth and how he earned it, and
- how he disposed of it, and
- how he acted upon what he acquired of knowledge.”
(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2422; classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 1969)
Take a moment to really reflect on this hadith. The way you spend your life, youth, wealth and knowledge are linked to your overall health.
To give you an example, one of my relatives was very wealthy. But he never cared about his health. He would always say, “we’re all going to die one day, so I’m going to enjoy food and life as long as I live.”
When he got sick, his family spent all of his money on trying to cure him. However, everything they spent was in vain, and he died without leaving a cent for his family. So much so that his family had to even sell the house for his hospital expenses!
May Allah (SWT) protect us from such a test. Ameen.
So, don’t wait for an ideal time in your life to reclaim your health. Now’s the time to take care of your health as you would take care of your imaan. Take care of it, as you would take care of your family.
If you don’t prioritise your health, you’ll inevitably end up prioritising your sickness. And that’s certainly not a pleasant thing to prioritise, right?
Invest in your health, before you are required to invest in curing for your sickness. The first one is cheaper and better for you the than the second option. Being sick is costly and preventable.
Regain Your Health The Right Way
Well, are you ready to make a move that will change your life forever? Join Lean and Healthy’s 6-month Premium Online Coaching Program. This Program will help you
- improve your health
- lose weight
- live an energetic and productive life
- learn strategies that will remain with you for life
And of course, all in the framework of simplicity, Islam, and research! Take advantage of the time you have to reserve your spot before the Program begins, inshaAllah.
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